Once a common sight at every shopping mall, airport, and in other public places, you can be forgiven for thinking the massive growth of mobile phone adoption with their built-in digital cameras would spell the end of the photo booth industry.

But picture this: data from Straights Research finds the global photo booth market was valued at more than US$540 million in 2021 and is projected to reach US$719 million by 2030. Moreover, North America represents the fastest-growing digital and analogue photo booth market, with wedding receptions, private party rentals, and placements in entertainment venues and bars becoming increasingly popular. 

It’s easy to see why. Photo booths are fun and interactive devices that capture memorable moments through digital or print photos.

A young woman using a photo booth.

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The booths typically consist of a camera, stool, and backdrop. While analogue photo booths print a photo strip, many are now digitized. They include options for users to share the images they take on social media or send them to others via email or text message. There are also adjustable 360 photo booths where people stand on a small, circular platform with a camera affixed to a rotating arm that moves around them, capturing images or videos.

For small business owners who provide, service, rent, and sell photo booths, the resurgent demand for photo booths in Canada is beautiful to see. But to ensure their success, a customized photo booth insurance policy is essential to protect these enterprising business owners.

What Is Photo Booth Liability Insurance?

Photo booth liability insurance is a customized policy designed to protect business owners from financial risks associated with liability claims. It provides coverage for various liabilities that may arise while operating a photo booth business, including:

  • Injuries to third parties or people using your photo booth
  • Accidental third-party property damage when installing, setting up, or dismantling a photo booth
  • Technical or electrical malfunctions of a photo booth
  • Data security and privacy of your customers
  • An auto accident while transporting a video booth or travelling to service one
  • Fire or water damage to your business’s premises and contents
  • Theft of or vandalism to a booth or money stolen from your booth

What Does a Photo Booth Business Insurance Policy Include?

The type of customized business insurance policy your photo booth business needs depends on the specific liability risks you face. In general, a photo booth insurance policy features the following coverages:

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance is essential coverage for all types of small businesses. It covers you for third-party bodily injury or property damage claims resulting from your daily operations. For instance, if you rent a photo booth to a customer for an event and they or one of their guests suffers an injury using your booth, general liability insurance is designed to cover their medical expenses.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance protects your office or warehouse, its furnishings, office equipment, electronics, and inventory if damaged or destroyed by a fire, water damage, natural disaster, theft, or vandalism. 

Equipment Breakdown Insurance

Equipment breakdown insurance is designed to pay to repair or replace your valuable equipment – in this case, your photo booths – if a mechanical or electrical malfunction damages them. However, this type of coverage does not cover photo booths that cease to work because of wear and tear.

Cyber Liability Insurance

No small business should go without cyber liability insurance. It covers costs associated with cyber-attacks, data breaches, and other types of cybercrime that affect your business and your customers. 

Commercial Auto Insurance

The vehicle you use for your business to service photo booths at customer locations or transport your products to and from various locations needs commercial auto insurance protection. Most private passenger car insurance policies do not cover claims for vehicles used for business purposes, or your personal policy’s coverage may be insufficient.

There may be other coverages your policy needs. For example, if you have employees, adding employers’ liability insurance and commercial crime insurance may be worthwhile. Or, if your commercial property coverage doesn’t include it, you should add business interruption insurance to your policy. Speak to a licensed Zensurance broker if you have questions about what your policy should contain.

How to Get the Photo Booth Insurance Your Business Needs

Keep the view of your photo booth business focused. Protecting your assets, finances, and reputation with a customized business insurance policy for your photo booth company is easy through Zensurance.

Fill out our online application for a free quote. We’ll search our partner network of over 50 insurance providers to get the low-cost policy you need and tailor it to suit your needs.

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About the Author: Brandon Bowie

Brandon Bowie is a Team Lead, Professional Lines at Zensurance.