Virtual Assistant Insurance

Virtual Assistant Insurance

Comprehensive coverage for independent virtual assistants to cover expenses related to accidents, allegations of wrongdoing, and lawsuits.

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Insurance for Virtual Assistants

Virtual assistants have a lot of responsibilities. They’re professional problem solvers who aid their clients by managing a plethora of important tasks to keep their clients’ businesses running smoothly.

But with those responsibilities comes significant risk. From accidents to mistakes to things beyond your control, insurance for virtual assistants provides the financial support you need to deal with the unexpected effectively.

Virtual assistant insurance is your risk management plan that serves as a financial backstop if something goes wrong. It’s a comprehensive package featuring several types of insurance designed to cover your liabilities.

A virtual assistant insurance policy from Zensurance is customized to suit your specific needs. Mistakes or accidents can happen to anyone at any time. Helping you protect your reputation, career, and livelihood is what we do.

A typical virtual assistant insurance policy may include the following types of coverages:

  • Errors and omissions (E&O) insurance: Also called professional liability insurance, E&O insurance covers your professional services. It covers costs associated with allegations of or lawsuits claiming negligence, misconduct, errors, oversights, missing deadlines, and failure to deliver a service as promised.
  • Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance: CGL or general liability insurance covers the cost of third-party bodily injury and property damage claims or lawsuits arising from accidents or negligence that may occur during your work. Also called slip-and-fall insurance, it includes coverage against allegations of defamation, libel, and slander.
  • Commercial property insurance: Also known as commercial building insurance, commercial property insurance protects the property where you work, whether working from home or an office space. It covers repairing or replacing your workspace and business contents if damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, severe weather, theft, or vandalism.
  • Cyber liability insurance: Whether you work remotely or not, you’re online as a virtual assistant. There are cybersecurity risks that could have a detrimental impact on you and your clients. Including cyber liability insurance as part of your policy is crucial because it provides financial support if you suffer a data breach and cyber-attack that involve your computers and client data.

There may be additional coverages your policy requires. Speak to a licensed Zensurance broker about your specific needs.

Any virtual assistant working in any industry, whether at home or in a place of business, requires a virtual assistant insurance policy, including:

  • General administrative virtual assistants
  • Bookkeeping virtual assistants
  • Real estate virtual assistants
  • Social media virtual assistants
  • Research virtual assistants
  • E-commerce virtual assistants
  • Sales administration virtual assistants
  • Customer service virtual assistants
  • Data entry virtual assistants

The cost of insurance for virtual assistants will vary based on these factors:

  • Your location
  • The services you provide and the equipment (electronics) you use
  • The type of clients you serve and how many
  • The policy limits and deductibles you select
  • Your years of experience as a virtual assistant
  • Your annual and gross projected revenue
  • Your insurance claims history

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Complete our 5-minute online application for a free virtual assistant insurance quote.

Common claims scenarios

virtual assistant error

Problem: While providing your services to a bookkeeping business, you enter incorrect financial data that triggers an audit and costs your client money. They sue you for professional negligence.

Outcome: Your errors and omissions (E&O) insurance may cover your legal expenses and any financial settlement ordered by a court or agreed to in an out-of-court settlement.

victim falling for phishing scam

Problem: Your computer is compromised by a phishing attack that exposes a client’s confidential customer relationship management data, leaving them vulnerable to fraud and legal action. The client sues you for damages.

Outcome: Your cyber liability insurance may cover the cost to repair and restore your software systems, pay for notification fees, credit monitoring, and legal advice.

house fire

Problem: An electrical fire in your office space damages the building, your electronics, and other business contents you need to serve your clients.

Outcome: Your commercial property insurance may pay to repair the damage to the office space, repair or replace your electronics and business contents, and cover your lost income if business interruption insurance is included in your property policy.

Frequently asked questions

Most of the clients I work for have business insurance. Do I still need a virtual assistant insurance policy?

Yes. Your clients’ insurance policies may not include protection for you and your services, and if it does, there may be gaps in that coverage that expose you to the risk of an expensive lawsuit. Therefore, you need to protect your finances and career with a virtual assistant insurance policy tailored to cover you if something goes awry.

If a client alleges I made a mistake that caused them to lose money, hurt their reputation, and threaten to sue, will virtual assistant insurance help protect me?

Yes. Your policy’s errors and omissions (E&O) insurance portion is designed to cover you for mistakes, negligence, and failure to provide a service as advertised. It also includes financial support for your legal expenses if you are sued and require legal advice or representation in court.

Will virtual assistant insurance cover my costs if my laptop containing access to a client’s sensitive information is stolen from my home?

Provided you have commercial property coverage as part of your policy, your insurance provider may pay to replace your stolen laptop. If your policy also includes cyber liability insurance, any expenses associated with exposing your client’s data may also be covered.

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Ready to start? Let’s get a quote!

Protect your career, reputation, and livelihood. Get a virtual assistant insurance policy from Zensurance. 

Filling out our online application for a free quote only takes a few minutes. Let our friendly, experienced brokers advise you on your options. We’ll shop our partner network of over 50 insurance providers to get the low-cost coverage you need.